Preface to the King Jesus Version - Essential Revelations

This is sure to be a controversial volume. Briefly, this book, the King Jesus Version New Testament, embodies many disclosures and several timely innovations, and other interesting things, that break free from the confines of typical Christian thinking, which can be called, Essential Revelations:

1.) Inside you will find an enhanced, collated rendition of the synoptic gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke into a single, all-inclusive narrative that will spare the reader from having to wade through three individual works in order to get all of the pertinent details, facts and sayings of Jesus. This is why it is called the Synoptic Record, rather than the Gospel of Matthew, Mark or Luke. Enhancement for improved understanding of the narrative of the Gospel of John is also the reason why it is called The Johannine Record.

2.) Synoptics aside, a re-visitation of the New Testament canon has been done in order to restrict this work's contents to true apostolic authority following the fourth century Christian historian, Eusebius, where the commonly disputed books have for the most part, been omitted, as was the final wish of Princeton Universities' Dr. Bruce Manning Metzger before he passed at the age of 93. More later.

3.) Apart from Matthew's Hebrew sayings of Jesus, all truly apostolic New Testament documents were originally penned down nearly two thousand years ago in a renovated street dialect called koine Greek. This present volume is for critically discerning believers who want these apostolic koine Greek writings to be understandable through a new, honest, satisfactorily revealing, grammatically correct, functionally literal translation, which rectifies, though imperfectly, many of the bad habits and errors exhibited by translators over the last 600 years, clarifying the intended message of the authors. More later.

4.) Using the more conservative, traditional, Byzantine text-type manuscript currently called The Majority Greek Text -- the choice of which will be fully explained below -- this is a new translation that is sourced in that Majority Greek Text, which is supported by the preponderance of extant witnesses -- reason being that the church fathers would have copied the best texts of scripture available, and present evidence being that the oldest and best attested text is the one that has had enough time to leave the greatest amount of witnessing descendants resembling itself. More later.

5.) This work embodies the results of my previous research book, Primordial Consecution -- Twelve Apostolic Originals Derived from the Shuffled Manuscript Theory, (No longer available publicly. For a paperback copy from me, send address and $20 check or money order to: Orin Moses, 2623 Cedarhurst Ave NW, Roanoke, VA 24012-3231). The Shuffled Manuscript Theory states that the very first original autographs initially became deteriorated due to frequent use. The fragile papyrus leaves came apart where glued together and the separated leaves were inadvertently shuffled out of order with use by the original recipients when the documents were repeatedly read and stored. These documents were later found and gathered, and copied out of order by the first successive generation of believers for the Church at large, and they have remained in that state to the present time, without any further effort being made to better restore them to the original order in which they left the hands of the apostles -- all due to a later inordinate sense of reverence for these apostolic writings. These re-translated documents have now been un-shuffled utilizing the breaks intentionally preserved, today found within the printed editions of extant Greek manuscripts, by the first transcribers, and are now presented to the public in the order that they were originally written -- thus correcting context. In utilizing this theory this book effectively re-presents in English for the first time in almost two millennia one dozen apostolic works in their original order as they left the hands of the authors, thus bringing the reader of English ever closer to some of the much-coveted original apostolic autographs. More later.

6.) Finally, this work presents an overall, coherent, end-time scenario resulting from a critical exclusion of the false book of Revelation (See last chapter below, "A Revelation of the Revelation"). Its removal greatly un-complicates eschatology with the absence of the influence of conflicting, contradictory claims. The end time aspects of this work are contained in chapters 68 through 71 of the Synoptic Record, chapters 4 and 5 of 1st Thessalonians, chapters 1 and 2 of 2nd Thessalonians, 1st Corinthians chapter 15, and in the critical internal evidence section of the "Revelation of the Revelation," delineating the scriptural end time scenario apart from the influence of that corrupt book. It is hoped that the reader of this work will experience a timely, refreshing enlightenment of the soul, a liberation from the bondage of errors and false doctrines, a rectification and/or neutralization of erroneous tenets of The Faith held by many, and a deliverance from worry, confusion and perplexity developed over much of what is encountered while reading the average New Testament.

7.) This author was called to new birth in 1976. Doctrinally conservative, with a conservative view of restoring scriptural integrity, he has diligently and critically studied the New Testament for well over thirty years, working with the original Greek in the process. He scored perfect 24s in the Basden-Johnson spiritual gift analysis for the gifts of discernment, knowledge, teaching and shepherding. He has served the Church at large for thirteen years by means of a world wide web ministry doing on-line counseling, apologetics, teaching, and translating, and he has published five books. It has been said by one that God does not call the qualified, but that he qualifies the called. This seems to be the case with this author. This work is also intended by the author to be a countermeasure to all the rampant apostasy and doctrinal error proliferating in the Church at large today.

THE REASONS FOR JESUS CHRIST: 2,000 years ago, after 400 years of silence, God began dealing with his created beings once again with the birth of his Son who was fully and equally God immersed into a full humanity so that he could fully identify himself with us as our Savior. God created a body for himself (John 1:14 reflexive middle voice). Therefore, the result was the God-man Jesus Christ -- fully God and fully man. The Infinite became an infant whose flesh was formed in the belly of his virgin mother -- a virgin because the seed of man transmits the sin nature -- thus Jesus Christ had no inherited original sin of his own so that as a substitute he could bear ours. Thus, he had only 22 autosomes from Mary plus a Y chromosome from God the Father. Just because his flesh was formed, that does not mean he himself as a Person was created, for he was eternally preexistent as God the Son with God the Father. He was called Son of God for his salvific role. The coming of God to man on the first Christmas entailed many public, certifiable miracles, witnessed by multitudes, which were the credentials lending veracity to the message of God to man through him, and attestation -- even authentication -- to the Messenger himself, Jesus, as coming from God. After growing, teaching and healing many, then suffering and going to the cross and rising again, he sent out twelve apostles with the same public, certifiable miracles as credentials demonstrating that they were messengers from Jesus with all delegated authority, thus lending veracity to their message -- attesting, even authenticating, them as sent from God also. Both he and they were empirically examined by many for over three years, and found to be authentic by those who heard them and saw them and experienced their miracles -- and we must accept their New Testament written reports as true witnesses. Their certified message is called the Good News, and that Good News is this: God lovingly cares about humanity, wants to have a living personal relationship with each and every one of us on his terms, and wants to deliver us from ourselves and our sin and give us eternal life. Therefore, he calls all to repent -- have a change of heart with corresponding conduct -- and believe the Good News concerning his Son. Sinless Jesus Christ publicly satisfied the just requirements of the justice of God for us by taking our sinful place on the cross of crucifixion, so that God, his Father, would not be compromising his essence 1) in living within us by means of the Holy Spirit, 2) by saving us, 3) by blessing us 4) and by taking us to heaven when we die. He shed his cleansing blood once for all persons, and once for all time -- past, present and future -- dying in our place in order to cleanse all who believe of all sins -- sins which were all future at that time. God raised him up from the dead to indicate that his required sacrifice -- that of the Son of God, himself, suffering on the cross for our sins, the Just for the unjust -- was acceptable and pleasing to him, satisfying the just required demands of his infinitely violated holiness and righteousness. God cannot coexist with sin, so he dealt with it decisively. Christ died, was buried, and rose from the dead on the third day. The Jews had enough motivation to produce a body but they could not, and the resurrected Jesus appeared to his disciples for many days -- thus the empty tomb -- and also to over five hundred persons at once before his ascension -- therefore precluding any claims of disciplic delusion. Let us make this personal. God's wrath was put upon Jesus instead of you, for all of your sins, past, present and future, which at that time 2,000 years ago were all future. God looked forward in time and loved you because he knew you. It was a loving God graciously doing for you what you could not do for God or for yourself -- in the fulfillment of much O.T. Bible prophecy -- to remedy your dilemma on how to be properly reconciled to him, and have capacity for life, joy, peace and eternal life beyond the grave, and a personal relationship with him for eternity. Fully appropriate this just, yet loving, grace provision God condescended to provide for you and so be saved by trusting in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. "For our faithful God of provision so lovingly cared for and valued the aggregate of mankind" -- that is the motivation factor -- "that he consequently yielded up his uniquely begotten Son" -- that is satisfied justice -- “so that everyone trustingly faithing into him would not be lost but can now have life everlasting” -- that is the desired result (John 3:16). Come to the God and Jesus of the Bible, rather than to those of your own making. In the past God overlooked sin, but now calls all people everywhere to repent of their sins now and to trust in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ on our behalf to be saved. Only the righteousness of Jesus Christ -- alone acceptable to God -- is imputed to the trusting believer. Working up our own righteousness is not acceptable. The ground at the foot of the cross is level, taking into account the disparities among all men and women. All get saved the same way. Jesus said, "I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life: no one comes to God the Father but by me." That is exclusivity. "Many ways to heaven" is a lie. There is no other way to get to heaven. You cannot earn righteousness and salvation. You cannot work for it. You cannot improve it or add to it. God does all the work, and God gets all the glory. Just trust in Jesus Christ alone for your deliverance. The narrow gate and the compressed way, indicates that only a very few will properly find their way to God -- his way -- not our way. The broad easy all-inclusive way is the way most individuals will go into eternity by either negligence or choice -- man's way. Judgment is coming and all will stand without excuse before a holy and just God. Will you stand naked before God in your unforgiven sin on judgment day, or stand clothed with forgiveness in Jesus Christ? A sinner cannot be allowed to run free in eternity. Evil must be contained -- thus hell exists forever because unforgiven sin lasts forever. Eternity also lasts forever. Hell -- or the bliss of Heaven -- the choice is now yours. Do not procrastinate. Choose life. You may not have tomorrow. Death could come suddenly at any given time. Adjust to the justice of God by trusting with faith into the Lord Jesus Christ now, before the justice of God adjusts to you in eternal judgment. Now, with that out of the way, on to the next thing.

Though it is only a translation, many who believe in this God claim that the King James Version of the Bible derived from the Textus Receptus is the only infallible, inerrant, preserved, inspired word of God, claiming all others to be erroneous, defective and deficient. I believe that the original language presentation called The Majority Greek Text better represents the inspired word of God, since it comes from a greater enumeration of supporting Greek manuscripts than the Textus Receptus does. Though it is clearly Byzantine, The Majority Greek Text differs from the King James Authorized Version's Greek text of the New Testament in over eighteen hundred places. To claim that there is only one Bible requires that the Bible-makers got it all right the first time. The King James Bible translators were forbidden by the King to use certain words, concepts and principles contrary to the teachings of the Church of England in their translating, therefore making it a "state-sponsored religion" bible -- the very thing that our American founding fathers were trying to get away from. The King James translators utilized seven secondary printed Greek texts for their work -- five varying editions which resulted from the critical examination of six Greek manuscripts that the Catholic priest Erasmus dedicated to Pope Leo the 10th from 1516 on to 1535, one of Beza from 1598 that has some conjectural emendations in it, and one of Stephanus from 1550/51 which included for the first time chapters and verses. These texts were made of only a mere dozen late Greek manuscripts that were available to them at that time. (Erasmus himself had six of them.) Thus, the King James Authorized Version was not made of one monolithic text called the Textus Receptus. We now have five thousand seven hundred sixty-five Greek manuscripts to work from -- plus early translations which were made of early Greek manuscripts for comparisons, therefore making textual criticism and modernization living sciences which will go on in perpetuity so long as we keep finding more manuscript evidence. No two Greek manuscripts are alike. All have variations. Scholars have been able to group manuscripts into families, arbitrarily four, the Alexandrian, Caesarean, Western and Byzantine families being the most prominent of them all. This evidences the fact that early Christians were allowing everyone to copy manuscripts so that the Good News could be spread abroad. There was no standard text at that time. By the same token, persecution was rife, and manuscripts were burned as Christians were martyred, thereby making the earlier Western and Alexandrian family of manuscripts even more rare, evidenced by the fact the Alexandrian texts fail to show after the sixth century, and with the subsequent spread of Islam, bringing more persecution and death, the proliferation of the Byzantine family of manuscripts was left alone to fill the world thereafter, creating a preponderance of that type of document. Even though groups like the Waldenses had a chain of custody so to speak, the revered King James Authorized Version New Testament has not one similarity to any one manuscript that can be said to be of any particular text-type other than the generality of it's belonging to the Byzantine family of manuscripts. The first Greek Received Text was printed in 1624, and then with adjustments in 1633, and lastly in 1641, by Abraham Elzevir. The 1611 King James Authorized Version New Testament was not translated from this text. Later, F.H.A.Scrivener, in the late 1800's, long after the KJV translation work was finished, reverse-selected from the English, the Greek words which the KJV translators chose out of the seven published texts that they used, to make the Textus receptus we have today. Thus it cannot be legitimately claimed that the King James Authorized Version New Testament was translated from the Textus Receptus. The Textus Receptus was made of the English King James Authorized Version, which was made from the seven Greek texts of Erasmus, Beza and Stephanus. There is no manuscript in the world that resembles the Textus Receptus. The New King James New Testament was translated out of the Textus Receptus, and it is more faithful to it than the Old King James Authorized Version is. Erasmus even included I John 5:7 in his third 1522 edition and subsequent editions, which was not in any other legitimate Greek manuscript, but only in the Latin Vulgate. He also had to reverse-engineer certain other places, even the final verses of Revelation from the Latin and other sources, since the manuscripts he had at his disposal had verses missing. Moreover, The King James Authorized Version went through many revisions. (The original translator's final manuscript was lost in 1660 in a fire.) Robert Barker and Sons made the first printing of The King James Authorized Version in 1611 which contained the Apocrypha. Then there was a revision also in 1611. Then there was a 1613 revised edition. Then there was the 1629 Cambridge revision. Then there was the 1638 Cambridge revision. Then in 1689 the translator's marginal notes were restored. After this came another edition in 1744. By the 1750's there were many additional versions floating around. Then came the 1760 Paris edition, and another in 1762. Then came the 1763 Baskerville edition. Then there came the 1769 Benjamin Blaney standardized text revision of Oxford which most all editions available today are conformed to. Despite this there are still 700 variations between all King James Bibles available today. This 1769 edition also differs in thousands of places from the first 1611 edition. Then there was the 1813 revised edition which was finished by 1851. Then came the 1873 Scrivener revision of Cambridge. Much later, in 1982, Thomas Nelson and Sons published a photo facsimile of the original 1611 first edition. Then more recently, Jay P. Green's 1993 New Testament, The Third Millennium Bible of 1996 featuring updated words, and finally, The Modern English Version of 2011 translated from the Textus Receptus. Like I already said, the King James Only people need to know that, to support their argument, they had to get the King James Bible right the first time. They did not. Which one is the only Bible? Which one is absolutely without error? Translations are not inspired, though the apostles quoted almost exclusively from the 3rd century-267 B.C. Greek translation of the Hebrew scriptures called the Septuagint. It was translated from the Hebrew by 70 Scholars, thus its name. Between the sixth century and the tenth century the Masoretes, who had a blatantly antichristian bias, sought to steer the Hebrews away from Jesus Christ, so they changed the vowel points in many Old Testament passages that referred to him in the Masoretic Text, thus, even though almost all modern translations used it for the Old Testament, it is full of contradicting corruptions, which also appear in all of our bibles. The Septuagint has no contradictions because it was a translation out of the Hebrew before the coming of Christ the first time. It agrees with the Dead Sea Scrolls 100%. The Masoretic Text does not. The Masoretes have lied to us all. Do you feel betrayed yet? How can God allow this? Well, God has indeed preserved his word. We were just looking in the wrong place. Jesus said to beware of the scribes as well as the Pharisees. For our Old Testament we should do like the apostles, even Jesus: use the English translation of the Septuagint -- references to come. For the New Testament we should use translations from the Byzantine text-type. All Masoretic manuscripts have intentional errors. All New Testament manuscript copies have accidental errors. All translations made from erroneous MSS have errors because men had a hand in the process. Some translators had agendas and some did not. Since all manuscripts differ, and all translations differ, which one is right? They are all called the word of God. Which one is the word of God? Infallibility and inerrancy and inspiration and preservation can only be inherently observed in the original language autographs. We no longer have them, so infallibility, inerrancy and inspiration are dead issues. It is a miracle that we have Bibles at all, given the Bible's history, yet enough surviving manuscripts make it possible to have the word of God -- the word of Truth -- with a 95% preservation of accuracy and agreement among the Byzantine Texts regarding the truth. Among all extant N.T. manuscripts we have one hundred and ten percent of what the original authors wrote. In other words, no truth is lost. None of what the apostles wrote is lost. That should be good enough for any of us.

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