King Jesus Version - Essential Revelations. A Byzantine New Testament for Only $29.95 at AMAZON. Click on the Image to Go There. 

King Jesus Version - Essential Revelations

This King Jesus Version is 8.5" wide x 11" high x 1" thick - 350 pages - 2 pounds.

This is a new translation of the New Testament that was made in order to showcase the Shuffled Manuscript Theory which affects the context of eleven epistles and one gospel. The context is invariably altered whenever a first century scribe copies a manuscript with no page numbers which has come unglued at the seams after much use and was repeatedly shuffled together out of order when stored following each use thereafter. The first transcribers preserved the breaks between separated leaves which takes a lot of the subjectivity out of the decision-making process in reassembling the literary jig-saw puzzles according to language, mood, inflection, subject matter and context. Here is a sample of what it looks like and how it works using 2nd Corinthians 6:11 thru 7:4. Below, 6:14-7:1 is removed from between 6:11-13 and 7:2-4, and these latter two pieces are rejoined as they were when written in the original autograph. This brings us all a step closer to the elusive original autographs regarding at least twelve documents for the first time in two millennia.

(Immediately below is the rejoining of the two separated sections:)

6:11-13. 11 "Our words have been open towards you Corinthians, resulting in your present benefit; our heart has been expanded, resulting in present capacity for regard. 12 You all are not being pressured, cramped and crowded by means of us, but you are being pressured, cramped and crowded in the affections of your heart. 13 Now recompense the same (I talk as to children): you all also be expanded 7:2-4. 2 to cordially regard us. We wronged no one, we spoiled or ruined no one, we took advantage of no one. 3 I speak not with censure; for I have said before with the present result that it still stands that you all are in our hearts for as to die together, and to continue in life together. 4 My confidence and assurance toward you all (is) great; my pride over all of you (is) great. I have been filled up to rejoicing. I am myself abundantly filled to rejoicing during the time of all our trials, afflictions and distressing circumstances."

(Below is the foreign section of misplaced text which was removed from between the above two sections. It perfectly fits in another place:)

6:14-18. 14 "Be not unequally yoked (with) or matched to (the) faithless and unbelievers. For what partaking/communion (does) equitable, righteous, godly piety and iniquitous lawlessness (have)? And what partnership/fellowship (has) light with darkness? 15 And what agreement, concord or union (has) Christ with Satan? Or what piece, part or share (has) a true, faithful believer with a false, faithless unbeliever? 16 And what assent, alliance or accord has a temple of God with heathen idols? For (each of) you all are a temple/dwelling of (the) living God, even as God has said: "I will dwell in them, and I will be conversant with (them), walk about in (them), and live among them; and I will be their God, and they will be my people." 17 Therefore, on this account, "You all come out from their midst and be separate and distinct, (the) Lord is saying, and you all touch not nor bring yourselves into contact with (what is) lewd, foul and impure, and I will admit, accept and kindly receive you all with favor; 18 and I will be as a Father to you all, and you all will be to me as sons and daughters, the Omnipotent LORD Almighty is saying." 7:1. "Now then, regarding, seizing, possessing and retaining these promises of favor and blessing, dearly beloved, we should cleanse ourselves from the influence of error and sin, and from all defilement and filthy pollution of (the) material body/human frame, and of (the) immaterial soul/mental frame, carrying into practice and thus realizing holy sanctification in the amazing reverential fear, awe and respect of God."



King Jesus Version - Essential Revelations

Table of Contents Below

Preface to the King Jesus Version

The Majority Greek Text

A Satisfactorily Revealing Functionally Literal Translation

A Canon Revisited for True Apostolicity

The Shuffled Manuscript Theory

The Original Order of the Shuffled Works

External Secular Contemporaneous Corroborations pro and con

The Enhanced Collated Synoptic Record

Sermon on the Mount chapter 22

Olivet Discourse chapter 68

Start of Acts at chapter 81

The Enhanced Johannine Record


1st Corinthians

2nd Corinthians





1st Thessalonians

2nd Thessalonians

1st Timothy

2nd Timothy




1st Peter

1st John

A revelation of the Revelation

Five Scriptures for Holiness

How to be Holy, Wholly Pleasing to God

Qualifying for the Privilege of Undeserved Suffering



The Good News concerning Jesus Christ according to the King Jesus Version


New Hope India Ministries

